Sunday, March 6, 2011

vintage chair redo

What a BUSY weekend but so excited that I got EVERYTHING accomplished that I had planned to get accomplished.  INCLUDING this chair.  I bought this chair for $1 at a garage sale during one of my trips to Edmond, OK.  The guy actually GAVE it to me bc I think he thought I was crazy for wanting it, but I paid his little boy the dollar instead!  SO after lots of redoing and sanding etc here is my NEwLy   ReDoNE chair!!!!  

I should post a pic w/out the cushion too.  This was a GREAT weekend for CREATING and I hope to post some more of my accomplishments this week.  (If my sore muscles allow me to) I REdid furniture, flowers beds, chopped, tilled, pruned, raked, mowed, organized, carried, moved, cleaned, REarranged  and REpainted.....and crafted til the wee hours of the morning!  AND LOVED EVERY MINUTE!!  I just I hope I can move on MONDAY! :) Have a REnewed & blessed week! 

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